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hire a maid. Her name was Janet. She kept the house, and had our meals ready when we came home from the office, but on Saturdays, it was our custom to remain home, and give Janet that day off.

I usually awoke first, and, on Saturday mornings, it became my custom to arise, and get breakfast and then call Mary.

After breakfast I usually cleared off the dishes, washed them, and then straightened up the house. We usually went out in the afternoon, and for dinner on Saturday nights.

One morning, I awoke, and forgot that it was Saturday. Mary reminded me that Janet was not there to fix our breakfast, so I got up and put on my house coat over my night gown and went down to fix breakfast. I had stared learning to cook and was getting good at simple dishes.

I continued to wear that most comfortable outfit while we ate breakfast, and for the rest of the morning. After that, I always wore my night gown, with my house coat over it on weekends while we were eating breakfast and while I was cleaning up the house.

Mary always wore her night gown and house coat as a lounging costume in the evening when we came from the office, and one evening she asked me why I did not trying slipping into mine in the evening too.

"Well, for one thing, "I explained, "Our maid, Janet is here."

"That does not matter," she replied, "if you want to put on your gown, and your house coat and mules in the evening, you certainly can do so, regardless of Janet."

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"Maybe after she leaves," I said shyly.

I did adopt the custom, and began to change each evening into my gown, house coat and mules. That is, as soon as Janet was out of the house. Of course, I kept them on every weekend until we went out in the afternoon or evening.

One Saturday morning while I was running the sweeper, Mary called me into the bedroom. She had a brassiere in her hands.

"Darling," she said, "let's try this on you. We'll see if it doesn't make your outfit a little more attractive, and make you feel a little more feminine."

"Feminine?" I gasp, a little red in the face. "I don't want to be feminine."

"Look at yourself, dear," she laughed, "It's a little late for that. Now come here, let's just complete the outfit."

She put the brassiere on me, with a pair of foam rubber "falsies" and I had to admit that it did improve the way the gown hung. I blushed at my curved profile.

"A little makeup would help too," she announced.

"Hey, what are you trying to do to me?" I asked.

"Just a little fun." she giggled. "You might as well look 'right' for house work." Before I realized what was going on, she had applied foundation cream, powder, rouge, eyebrow pencil, and lipstick, and my appearance had been markedly changed. She and I giggled at the result and it wasn't entirely unpleasant.

After that, Mary insisted that a bra and 'falsies' become part of my house work uniform. The dressing up was fun and made the drudgery of cleaning